Domestic Violence and other safety concerns can increase during times of natural disaster.

It’s ok to reach out for help.

Click here for support options

COVID-19 Safety at The Women’s Cottage 

If your or someone close to you is unwell (tested or not)
please call and talk to a worker before coming to the service.
If you are unable to get through, please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
If we are unable to help you over the phone, we will make arrangements to see you.
Many thanks and stay safe and well.

Please call 02 4578 4190

Supporting women & children since 1983

The Women’s Cottage has been supporting women and children since 1983. The Women’s Cottage is a community based crisis support and resource centre, run by women, for women (and their children) who live, work or study in the Hawkesbury region. We specialise in supporting women experiencing domestic violence, isolation, financial distress, parenting distress and other forms of emotional distress or trauma. Our services are for all women with and without children.

Services delivered in 2023 – 2024



Support Sessions

We are here to help

Please get in touch with us. We are here to help.

The Women’s Cottage can help you find and understand the options available to you.

Please click the contact details to launch Google Maps, phone call or your preferred email app

Call Us:

02 4578 4190

Email Us: